Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I discovered FlyLady!

Wow. I discovered FlyLady the other day, and have read, read, and read some more about it since then. I think I am finally ready to start.

Are YOU living in CHAOS?
(Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)

Do you feel overwhelmed, overextended, and overdrawn?
Hopeless and you don't know where to start?
Don't worry friend, we've been there, too

Flylady is not just about cleaning your hosue - it's about a way of living, and feeling good about myself. FLY means Finally Living Yourself, and by following her baby steps and creating new habits, I will be FLYing in no time! I know I'm not the only woman who beats herself up on a daily basis about why I'm not a good enough wife, mother, housekeeper, whatever. But that needs to stop! I AM good enough. And with some baby steps I'll teach myself to form new habits that will keep our house CHAOS free!

I'm really excited to start, and hopefully by the end of the 31 baby steps I'll be well on my way to having a home that I'd feel comfortable having company in at any given moment!

I will do baby step #1 tonight - and I'll do a seperate post about it later, so check back to see my progress!


Anonymous said...

Hi Selena! FlyLady is the best. Good luck with the BabySteps! And remember, don't do them all in one weekend, like I did.

If you want, you can read about that here: http://www.lifewithflylady.com/day-1-go-shine-your-sink/

I'm looking forward reading your posts about your BabySteps!

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