Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Flylady Baby Steps Day 1 - Go Shine Your Sink!

My first task is to shine my sink! Here's what the FlyLady has to say about it...

This is your first household chore. Many of you can't understand why I want you to empty your sink of your dirty dishes and clean and shine it, when there is so much more to do. It is so simple. I want you to have a sense of accomplishment. You have struggled for years with a cluttered home and you are so beaten down. I just want to put a smile on your face. When you get up the next morning, your sink will greet you and a smile will come across your lovely face. I can't be there to give you a big hug, but I know how good it feels to see yourself in your kitchen sink. So each morning this is my gift to you. Even though I can't be there to pat you on the back, I want you to know that I am very proud of you.
Go shine your sink! - FlyLady

So... here is a before picture of my kitchen sink: It's actually not that bad right now. Believe me - the dishes can get piled a LOT higher than this!

And... AFTER! Look how shiny and beautiful it is!

The goal now is to keep it this way. :) All dishes will go directly in the dishwasher - NOT the sink, and when it's done running - will come directly out. And every time we run water in the sink, we will wipe it dry so it stays shiny! We can do this!!


Anonymous said...

Selena, this looks great! Go you!

Angelina said...

I have tried the fly lady thing...
and since my hubby is the one to do the dishes, it's hard for me to get the shine your sink thing... but, man would that be awesome, I feel like our sink is ALWAYS full and dirty.. it's hard with 5 people in the house!!!

found your blog from the swap-bot blog swap!! I'm cinderella730 there. getting an early start. :o)
lovin your blog so far!! :o)

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Great job on your sink shining! I really need to get flying again, so hopefully by reading other Flylady blogs, I will get back my motivation!

AmyBeth said...

Nice shine! I'm working on baby steps too.

idi said...

Selina, I am so proud of you! I am listening to blog talk radio flylady January nearly every day and I nearly know her words by heart - and now we are in March and I have shined my sink nearly every day. With the other household chores I am not yet so good. idi

idi said...

oh I just read your blog again. I am a follower of Jesus, too, first as a child and then I restarted at the age of 20

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